Smokey Chorizo Chicken & Pea Mash
Inspired by Jamie Oliver's 5 ingredients Cook Book, but with the added twist of cooking with Verjuice.
- x2 150g Chicken Legs
- 300g cherry tomatoes
- 4 sprigs of fresh basil
- 8 black olives
- 30g of chorizo
- Gently fry the chicken in olive oil on the skin side until crispy and golden. Then add 200ml of delicious Verjuice, simmering gently to allow the chicken to cook.
- Meanwhile chop cherry tomatoes in half and the chorizo into slices. Add tomatoes and basil leaves in the frying pan with the chicken and cook until tomatoes are soft.
- While cooking place saucepan of water on the boil and add peas. Boil until soft. Once cooked drain and place back in to saucepan. Add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and 50g of butter. Mash peas, leaving some still in tact so they don't go mushy.
- Finally add chorizo and olives to frying pan and any seasoning you think necessary, (paprika or chilli flakes is a good accompaniment for an extra kick). Let simmer and merge flavours for a few minuets before plating up with the mashed peas.
(This dish also works well using salmon fillets instead of chicken.)